Typhoon Yolanda relief updates
Deepest sympathies
to the bereaved families
of lives we’ve lost in Philippine regions
hit by Typhoon Yolanda (11-8-13)
Our sincerest gratitude to all who've
extended help to our people
in every way possible
every time . . .
30 November 2013
The following video by Dr. Charlie Labarda captures the present state of the UP - Manila School of Social Sciences facilities in Palo, Leyte after Typhoon Yolanda hit the country on 8 November 2013.
28 November 2013
What happened to donations for Typhoon Yolanda victims?
by Al Sabado
Since Typhoon Yolanda hit the country 20 days ago, some of you may have asked a similar question. Google search has generated about 2.9 million results under the same question, as of this writing (see following image).
I had to google it too because the headline on the newspaper has focused on Manny Pacquiao's unresolved tax issues since the past few days he won the boxing match in Macau. We've all seen how Manny has worked hard for the money he earns every time. But I'm not among those wanting to know how he's dealing with his tax issues, which can be--by the way--similar to any taxpayer's issues. Sorry to the editorial boards of dailies focusing on Manny's tax concerns reflecting the government's incompetence. But I must say, such concern is NOT--and must not be--a "headline" material.
The important national issue we have to address as a people right now is knowing if the donations worth millions (if not billions) of US dollars sent to our country indeed go to the Typhoon Yolanda victims. How are we monitoring this? Who's in charge of making sure every centavo and pack of relief goods go to our people in need?
Sad to say, we don't hear much about this, do we? Few reports came out about the government's initiative to audit foreign aid. But how accurate could that report be when we hear about certain agencies taking advantage of the abundance? My heart goes out to the Typhoon Yolanda victims.
Just a thought, Typhoon Yolanda hit our country a day after Janet Lim-Napoles testified (or "mistestified") concerning the pork barrel scam she sort of authored together with big fishes. The typhoon should thus be a wake-up call to authorities who involve themselves in corrupt practices. If they continue--especially now that the country has been the recipient of financial generosity from across the globe--would it still be a wonder if one day, an entire country be wiped out from the world map for the corruption its government officials brazenly commit?
May God indeed have mercy on us.
Righteousness exalteth a nation:
but sin is a reproach to any people.
(Proverbs 14:34)
21 November 2013
See more updates from UP Manila Online and the Philippine Red Cross.
18 November 2013
Relief operation centers continuously accept donations for the relief and rehabilitation of typhoon-stricken areas. Many thanks to all who've extended the much-needed assistance!
17 November 2013
Donate to relief operations in the Visayas. Cash donations may be sent through the UP Foundation, Inc. See UP Manila update or the following image for details.
Quoting from the UP College of Medicine website:
It was learned from Dean Salvador Destura, Dean of the School for Health Sciences (SHS) in Palo, Leyte who was present at the meeting that the SHS building was completely destroyed by the typhoon. Fortunately, all the one hundred seventy nine students and thirty faculty are safe.
Doc Joboy and company are alive! Praise God! :D
15 November 2013
Send cash donations to the Philippine Red Cross via SMS:
Text RED<space>AMOUNT to 2899 (Globe) or 4143 (Smart)
You can donate the following denominations:
Globe: 5, 25, 100, 300, 500 or 1000
Smart: 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 500 or 1000
See PRC's DONATE page for other ways to give.
Walk-in volunteers knock at the door of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC)--at Bonifacio Drive, Port Area Manila--to help in packing of relief goods for the typhoon-affected families in Visayas.
The Philippine Red Cross continues to repack items to be shipped to Visayas.
UP Manila, Office of the Chancellor's urgent appeal for cash donations to support relief in areas of Leyte, including the UP Manila School of Health Sciences in Palo, Leyte.
List (by Rappler) of local and overseas donation/relief channels for Typhoon Yolanda victims
14 November 2013
Thought I'd find the same relief operations in my own city stricken by Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009. To my chagrin, a huge Christmas tree greeted me today at the blithely decorated lobby of the Marikina City Hall, as if no super typhoon devastated another region in the country, crying out for help. An empty water jug placed at the info desk to accept donations for Typhoon Yolanda victims was something I least expected to find, as it reflected our city government's lacking sense of urgency to help another region in need. Sadly, I thought, "Pa'no tayo nakapagdiriwang ng ganitong pasko kung ang mga kababayan natin e nasalanta ng bagyo?" I hope I was just wrong thinking this way . . . God have mercy on us . . .
Glad to see overflowing relief operation volunteers at the two covered courts of the Ateneo de Manila University today! There may be similar typhoon relief operations near you, so do check them out.
Volunteers for repacking relief goods and assistance for other typhoon-related concerns are needed at the Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City. Repacking activities are done at the Ateneo college covered court (in Quezon City). It's easy to go there, just ask Ateneo people for directions. Another repacking/relief operation venue is the Richie Fernando Covered Court. Again, just ask people there where volunteers are needed. Repacking batches are scheduled, as follows:
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM (the time slot least likely to have volunteers, while others are on break. The two covered courts are full of volunteers today. Praise God!)
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
For further inquiries, please call 426-5968.
No news yet about Ateneo DSA-IPC Program grad Doc Joboy (Filedito Tandinco), presently associate professor and college secretary at the UP Manila School of Health Sciences (SHS) in Palo, Leyte. SHS staff has not contacted colleagues in Manila. SHS Dean--Doc Joboy's boss--will then fly to Palo, Leyte today (14 November 2013) to know the condition of his constituents.
Related post:
11 November 2013
UP Manila @UPManilaOnline 11 Nov
UP Manila will send a medical team to Palo, Leyte. No need to be a physician to help. You too can be a healing hand. (See Twitter post for details.)
10 November 2013
Maya Manocsoc, Ateneo DSA-IPC Program grad, was safe in Bohol while her parents were in Manila. Praise God!
8 November 2013
Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) hit the Philippines. Central Visayas has been badly affected.