May we not be "ever learning,
and never able to come
to the knowledge of the truth."
(2 Timothy 3:7, KJV)
Rick Warren, Dr. Oz, and the Dangers of the Daniel Plan
Rick Warren Speaks Out against Those Warning the Church of Meditation
Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Emerging Church — A Road to Interspirituality through Mysticism
The Serious Problems with Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Movement
Willow Creek and Contemplative Prayer
Christian Colleges that Promote Contemplative (i.e., Spiritual Formation)
Are Christian Publishers Promoting
Contemplative Prayer and Interspirituality?
Spiritual Formation? Another name for Contemplative Spirituality
The Shack — William Paul Young's best-selling novel is a bridge to the new spirituality
"Is Yoga a religion that denies Jesus Christ? Yes." - Classical Yoga Hindu Academy
YOGA - Just Exercise or a Hindu Religion?
Rick Warren's Global Peace Plan vs. Scriptural Teachings on Peace
by James Sundquist
Upon clicking this video, a message pops up, explaining that the video is no longer available (probably around mid-2011) because the uploader has closed the YouTube account.
Featured readings
Saddleback Health & Fitness Seminar - Infomercial for Sustainable Development (20 Jan 2011) >> This blog had been removed as well around May 2011. The blog author, Jennifer Pekich, seems to be under attack after exposing the dangers of the "Daniel Plan." But the Lighthouse Blog has reprinted Jennifer's article which we may read via this link, A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan.
What is Contemplative Spirituality and Why is It Dangerous? by John Caddock
Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct by Matthew E. Narramore
"Reasons I Left the Seventh-day Adventist Church after 37 Years" by Robert K. Sanders
Among the emergent churches in the Philippines and the reasons I left them by Al Sabado
The purpose-driven movement:
Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven? Part 3: Small Groups and the Dialectic Process
Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven? Part 4: Dealing with Resisters
Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven - Part 5: Spiritual Gifts and Community Service
Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan & UN Goals - Part 1: The Emerging Global 'Church'
Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and UN Goals - Part 2: Equipping Leaders to 'Lead like Jesus'?
Warren's P.E.A.C.E. Plan and UN Goals - Part 3: Whom do we serve?
Scriptures from the King James Bible Version