Database of freelance tools

Building your online resources while freelancing with care

by Al Sabado

We all start with something, somewhere as freelancers. We usually begin by searching for freelance jobs and then freelance tools online, with a stress on free and accessible. In the process, we continue to build our list of freelance tools as we find ourselves go back to them time and again. And how privileged we are whenever colleagues freely share with us the helpful tools that they too discover online! This page now serves as a database of freelance tools, particularly the ones that pertain to print, publishing, and yes, freelance.

If you're a freelancer (or hoping to be one someday) involved in these areas and are looking for online resources--freelance jobs, going rates, associations, comprehensive tax guidelines, continuing education plus certification, precaution against online job scams, basic PC troubleshooting tips, free websites, and other references for your freelance work in print and publishing--then welcome to this page! The list gets longer, but no rush reading. Feel free to visit the page during your copious hours.

Happy freelancing!



Council of Science Editors

Editors' Association of Canada

Editorial Freelancers Association

Freelance Writing Organization - International

Graphic Design Associations, Guilds, and Organizations

International Freelance Photographers Organization

Society for Editors and Proofreaders

Societies of Indexers

Society of Professional Journalists

Society for Scholarly Publishing

Southern African Freelancers Association

The Research Cooperative (International)

Editors and proofreaders

Food and agriculture

Health and medicine

The image workshop


and more...

Translators' Associations

Books on freelancing

Freelance Freedom by Edward Adams

Getting Started as a Freelance Copyeditor by KOK Edit: Katharine O'Moore-Klopf, ELS

Smooth-Sailing Freelancer, The by Jake Poinier,

Specialized booklets from the EFA Resources

Making Word Work for You by Hilary Powers

Textbook Development as an Art and a Science by Carolyn D. Smith with Jeannine Ciliotta

Grammatical Gleanings by Patrica M. Godfrey

A Freelance Editor's Guide to Book Production by Rachel Hockett

Résumés for Freelancers by Sheila Buff

Freelancing 101: Launching Your Editorial Business by Ruth E. Thaler-Carter

The Art of Editing for the Corporate Market by Mary Johnson

Other reading materials online

Code of Fair Practice, EFA

Copyediting: Improve your copyediting skills

Editors Only. The Newsletter of Editorial Achievement

PDN: Photo District News

Profession-Related Reading list from KOK Edit

STRAT: The Newsletter of Print and Online Magazine Publishing Strategy

The Vocabula Review, Journal about the state of the English language

WIRED: Covers current and future trends in technology


Board of Editors in Life Sciences

Editorial certification program by the Editors' Association of Canada

Continuing education with certification

Distance learning (by The Publishing Training Centre)

Basic proofreading


Editorial project management

Successful editorial freelancing

Picture research

Editing on screen

Effective copywriting

Copyediting online training (by McMurry)

Certificate programs online (by Mediabistro)

Online certification, training, and employee testing (by ExpertRating)

Corporate employee testing

Instructor-led online courses


Medical transcription



Business writing

Grants proposal writing (basic)

Grants proposal writing (advance)

Journal writing

Research methods

Resume writing

Script writing

Travel writing

Certification for individuals: ExpertRating Online Certification and Test Center

English Language (reading, writing, speaking, editing, proofreading, and more)


Writing and publishing


General programming

Graphics designing

International languages


PC troubleshooting, networking, and security

Web and computer programming

Web designing

Web graphics and multimedia


Accounting Dictionary (link shared by Shaun Conrad, CPA of My Accounting Course; 11-20-18)

Auditing Dictionary

Merriam-Webster Online

Tagalog Dictionary

The Free Dictionary by Farlex


Medical Dictionary

Legal Dictionary

Financial Dictionary





Document originality checkers

Copyscape Premium

DupeFree Pro

Dupli Checker

Free file converters online

33 Tools to Create, Edit and Convert Images Online (link shared by Anna Stanley, 4-19-13)

Audio to MP3



PDF to Word


Other audio converters

Other audio, document, image, and video converters

Other PDF changer tools

Free websites before, currently affordable

Google Sites


Freelance job sites




Job Board by Freelance Switch

KOK Edit: Copyeditors' Knowledge Base, Finding Work

oDesk, now known as UpWork

Online Writing Jobs

People per Hour

Telecommute Job List

The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2011 Edition

Freelancers' safety corner

Avoiding Online Job Scams

Job scam alert

Sample emails from scammers

10 Tips on Preventing Identity Theft

General freelancing resources

101 Essential Freelancing Resources

30 Inherently Useful Tools for Freelancers

BELS - Related Resources

EFA: General Resources

KOK Edit: Copyeditors' Knowledge Base

Resources for Copy Editors

The Independent Journalist: The Society of Professional Journalists' Blog for Freelancers

Grammar and punctuation

Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, The by the late Jane Straus (1954-2011)

Daily Writing Tips

Elements of Style, The by William Strunk, Jr.

Guide to Grammar and Writing

Jose Carillo's English Forum

Industry rates

EFA: Editorial Rates

Freelance Fees Guide by the National Union of Journalists

How to Set Your Freelance Rates (An Overview)

Professional Fee Guidelines

SfEP suggested minimum freelance rates

Online communication tools

Google Talk


Online file managers


Google Docs


Payment options


Skrill (formerly Moneybookers)


Book design

The Book Designer


Fonts by Hoefler & Co.


Typography Tutorial: A Primer on Ligatures

Shorten that long URL

Style guides

ADB Handbook of Style and Usage

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

American Anthropological Association (AAA) Style Guide

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

Online search for stylebooks

Style guide pointers by the Purdue Online Writing Lab

The Elements of Style

Taxation, finances, and social benefits

Freelance: UK

How to manage your financial life

IRS and freelancing, EFA

Freelance taxation

List of deductible expenses

Managing freelance finances

Managing freelance taxes

Useful books and websites

The Filipino freelancers' guide to paying taxes and securing social benefits

Troubleshooting tips

Basic PC troubleshooting techniques

Check website by (Listed here: 7-25-14)

Scammers and ways to avoid them

8 March 2011, updated 27 April 2020