Revising OR booklets
18 July 2013
Who's happy about it?
No one's happy about revising official receipt booklets. This is true for everyone whose OR booklets aren't fully consumed, or perhaps for those who've just received their boxes of newly printed OR booklets.
I wasn't aware of the new BIR policy until a dear friend texted me about it the 5th day of June, just a few weeks before the old OR booklets were to expire on 30 June 2013. So I went out that same day to visit my printer and possibly arrange for the payment of my BIR penalty of PhP1,000 (for failure to accomplish the task earlier) at the bank. I couldn't complain because I knew I'm just one of the affected income earners in the country who must comply with the law enforcing the new tax policy. I'm sure the BIR has valid reasons for such an unforeseen change, regardless if such reasons sound unfair or irrelevant to diligent taxpayers.
The full BIR memorandum, Revenue Regulations No. 18-2012, dated 22 October 2013 can now be accessed via the BIR website.
by Al Sabado