Archived updates
Archive date 4 January 2012
As of 16 November 2009, the business renewal registration of accounts books for 2010 includes a photocopy of the following documents. (I was early that year and it only took me about an hour to finish the entire registration renewal.)
- BIR Form 1905
- BIR Form 2303 (Certficate of Registration)
- BIR Form 0605 (2009 Registration Fee)
- Accounts books of the preceding year (stamped front pages only)
- Case monitoring sheet (CMS) clearance from the BIR Collection Section
- List of registration fees also from the BIR Collection Section
- Accounts books for stamping (a new set or the same books you used in the preceding year)
Now, don't be confused--as of 26 November 2010, BIR-Marikina has posted a simplified list of registration renewal requirements. Do verify this information, as this may be similar to the requirements asked by your BIR Regional District Office (RDO). Here's the shorter requirements list:
- Photocopy of BIR Certificate of Registration (COR)
- CMS clearance (from the Collection Section)
- Printout of all registration fees paid (from the Collection Section)
- Previous books (see list of the above-mentioned typical account books)